Tethered Cord Icd 10
Die Syringomyelie von altgriechisch σύριγξ syrinx deutsch Rohr Flöte und νωτιαῖος μύελος nōtiaios mýelos deutsch Rückenmark ist eine röhrenförmige Höhlenbildung in der Grauen Substanz des RückenmarkesSynonym wird auch von Hydromyelie von ὕδωρ hydor deutsch Wasser oder der Kombination beider Begriffe von Hydrosyringomyelie gesprochen. Onset can be sudden or gradual.
When of gradual onset symptoms may include loss of bladder control mild lower abdominal pain and a weak urine stream.

Tethered cord icd 10. 3495 articles since 1984. Various forms include tight filum terminale lipomeningomyelocele split cord malformations diastematomyelia dermal sinus tracts and dermoidsAll forms involve the pulling of the spinal cord at the base of the spinal canal literally. When of sudden onset symptoms include an inability to urinate and lower abdominal pain. Those with long-term problems are at risk of urinary tract infections. Tethered cord syndrome TCS refers to a group of neurological disorders that relate to malformations of the spinal cord. AHA Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS ICD-9.
Urinary retention is an inability to completely empty the bladder.
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